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Misty Forest Reflection

Dearest friends, neighbors and community members,

Thinking of our lake association, and my role as president, causes me to reflect on a time twenty years ago when I dreamt of living in the Northwoods of Wisconsin on a lake. My motivations were strictly personal and simplistic without any thought to the responsibilities that the decision would create.

Much has changed since then, and the stark fact that we are all stewards of the land and water that we live on has been seriously revealing. Over the past seven to eight years, the events on Rice Lake have become cause for concern and we now search for solutions to an invasive species in our waters. Our responsibilities as caretakers of Rice Lake now include collaborating with various state agencies in search of funds and technical assistance.

Despite these challenges, we still live in one of the most gorgeous places on earth. Lakes and rivers abound and the outside activities are endless. For those reasons and more, we must find ways to protect this place we call home. Our Lake Association has a new direction and new goals. With continuing help from our neighbors and friends in the Northwoods, and with your help, we believe we will be successful.

With deepest regards for the future well being of the Northwoods,

Bob Kary
President, Rice Lake Association


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