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To anyone living on the lakes in the 27,000 acre Turtle River watershed or on the Turtle river itself, we all share a common bond-  a concern for the environment and responsibility for its well being.  Some of you may be aware of the nine year battle Rice Lake has been waging against the invasive species Curly Leaf Pondweed. With this letter we hope to inform you of some of the issues facing us as residents of Rice Lake and more importantly how it impacts the Turtle River Watershed as a whole, your involvement in its future and the value of your  property going forward.

In early June of 2021, Rice Lake Association conducted a massive effort to remove Curly Leaf Pondweed from Rice Lake.   With the financial support of a grant from the WDNR, 44 tons of CLP was removed from the lake. This was significant due to the far reaching impact on the Turtle-Flambeau Flowage. It has long been understood that if CLP cannot be contained it will establish itself in the lakes downstream and eventually the TFF, considered the Jewel of the North. The three year grant to continue this work is now in jeopardy, as the WDNR imposed the requirement of improving boating access to the general public on Rice lake as a stipulation for continuing the grant and any reimbursement for 2021 expenses.  Furthermore, they issued a statement requesting Rice Lake Association return a $23,700 advance on our grant if the boat ramp requirement was not met. We are presently seeking a waiver of this boat ramp requirement in order to continue the work to  prevent CLP’s eventual overtaking of the Turtle Flambeau Flowage.


This is not just a Rice Lake problem! Allowed to go unchecked, Curly Leaf Pondweed will change the environment of the Turtle River Watershed and the Turtle Flambeau Flowage. We consider this a moral imperative for the future of our waters but we can’t do it alone. We are requesting your involvement.  There are multiple ways you or your lake association can help.

1. Make a tax deductible contribution to Rice Lake Association through GoFundMe - the link is at the top of each page under the GoFundMe logo.

2.  Volunteer to help in the spring and summer with the removal

3. Donate a boat/motor for use during the CLP pulling activity.

4.  Offer your assistance in a leadership role during the summer
long effort.  This involves recruitment of workers, soliciting
equipment, contacting persons you know for their help and
involvement (business owners, property owners, state officials).

We understand there are many organizations asking for assistance in these trying times.  Protecting our environment and the future of our waterways is probably foremost on the minds of  everyone who lives in the Northwoods.  We believe you are the folks that will see the importance of this battle we are in and join our ranks. 

Contact us at, write to or call 217-369-3855 (Bob Kary) for more information about how you can help.



Bob Kary
President, Rice Lake Association
January, 2022
Mercer, Wisconsin

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